How To Apply for UK Probate?
After a person passes on from this world, they may leave a multiplicity of assets behind. Here we think of property and investments, as well as furniture, jewellery, and loose gear. Some else then has to pick up the pieces and pass these things on to their heirs. But first, they have to know how to apply for probate. Applying for Probate Versus Letters of Administration Probate and letters of administration achieve the same aim, in that they empower someone to administer a deceased estate, and pass the assets to the rightful heirs. However, the process for getting there is slightly different: The deceased may have nominated an executor as part of their will, in which case the nominee applies for probate. This is semi-automatic, unless the will is technically flawed, or another person objects. But if there is no such appointment in a legal will, then the state must act. Usually, a close relative or friend steps in, and applies for letters of administration. The government arbitrat...