
Showing posts from November, 2021

How to Access Medical Records of Deceased Persons in England

Disputes over contents of wills are quite common. Especially during COVID that limits contact between family members. Some testators change their minds quite frequently. Long COVID can affect mental ability in the short term. Hence more people may be asking how to access medical records of deceased persons than before. Disputing a Last Will and Testament – An Overview A person making a will has few restrictions over their decisions. That’s provided the assets they mention are legally theirs, and they have a right to dispose of them. Claiming they were not of sound mind, and lacked sufficient mental capacity is a potential way around challenging such decisions. Especially since the deceased is no longer available for psychometric tests. Many such claims reason in terms Hawes versus Burgess (2013). This was a case where a sister appealed against a bequest that disinherited her brother. She won, although the legal costs absorbed the entire value of the estate. The core judgement ...